Where is all the air going? You keep counting the beds, outlets and other air usage areas. You know your equipment should be keeping up with the demand easily, yet your medical air is still cranking like mad
It could be something as simple as leakage. Leaks can be significant, costly and sneaky. Air leaks are almost impossible to see and many don’t make noise. The good news is they can be detected easily.
Most leaks occur at joints and connections. Loose fittings may be quickly repaired with the turn of a wrench. Sometimes the faulty fitting, hose, pipe connection, pipe section, coupling, drain or trap may need to be replaced. Old, bad or improperly applied sealant at the joint can also be the culprit.
Other common air leak causes are;
- Open condensate traps
- Poor or missed braze joints or welds
- Leaky outlets or point-of-use devices
- Leaky pressure regulators
- Worn shut-off or check valves
- Improperly installed filters or regulators
- Abandoned or non-operating equipment or components in the system
- Air dryers can be a big source for leaks, both large and small
And the cost? Here are a couple of examples:
- One 1/16” leak can cost upwards of $784.00 per year
- A 1/8” leak will cost you at least $3,142.50 per year
- And a ¼” leak will set you back a whopping $12,573.00 per year or more!
(costs calculated using electricity at .075 per KWh assuming constant operation using an efficient air compressor)
Detecting these problems can be a simple task. A special, oxygen safe, non-flammable, non-corrosive Leak Detection Solution is available for medical air systems. This solution is sprayed directly on the joints, connections, fitting and accessories. If there is a leak, no matter how small, bubble clusters will form almost immediately. Fixing the leak is the next step.
Once you start the process, you may be surprised at the number of leaks you find within your system. But as you fix them, you should begin to see a noticeable difference in how hard your system is working.
Other upsides? You should see a much lower number on your electricity bill. Your medical air equipment will be much happier, work more efficiently for longer stretches at a time, require less maintenance with little or no downtime and last a whole lot longer.
So, get out there and find those leaks. Contact us if you have any questions, we’ll be happy to help.
Click here to learn more or purchase Advanced Leak Detection Solution on line